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Internet User Profile in Thailand 2009

January 18th, 2010 No comments

Women surfing Internet more than men and more Internet users consume news online, according to Internet users’ profile of Thailand 2009.

It is the annual survey conducted by the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (Nectec). The survey was participated by 11,991 Internet users during August to October last year.

The survey was contributed by several majors web sited such as Nation Group,,,, Truehits,,, PaySBuy, and Thai e-Commerce Association.

The survey’s major significant founding are that most of Internet users are women (72.5 per cent); most of them access Internet from home (52.3 per cent) during 8 pm to 12 pm; most of them are in the age between 20 and 29 years old; most of them connect Internet via ADSL; and most of them stay online 20 hours per week be averagely.

Nectec director Pansak Siriruchatanapong said that the result of the 4 th -year survey of Internet users profiles in Thailand that their demographic mostly are similar to the previous years including they are in Bangkok; graduated bachelor degree; and in employment status.

However, it also found the significant result. Even though ADSL is still the major channel for Internet connection but its role is slightly reduced meanwhile the per cent of Internet connection via mobile phone has been increasing from only 2.8 per cent in 2007 to 7 per cent in 2008 and to 10 per cent in 2009.

And, even though most of Internet users are live in Bangkok but the per cent of Internet users from rural areas is increasing from 18-19 per cent to 21 per cent.

Meanwhile, the top three online activities over the Internet are still information searching; email; and news consumption. But in depth, the per cent of these three activities are reduced.

Interestingly, the significant result shows that e-learning, as the forth activity, is the most increasing rate from only 0.1 per cent in 2007 to 4.1 per cent in 2008 and 8 per cent in 2009.

As the 3 rd activity of Internet users, online news consumption but in depth, most of them read news from web-board following from online newspaper (online news provided by traditional newspaper), blog, comment, and from social network.

Top five online news beats they usually consume including politics, social, entertainment, technology, and economics.

For the ratio of e-commerce, Internet users still prefer to buy book, reservation, and cloths & accessories via online. Most of them make e-commerce transaction at Bt5,000 and less.

And, the top three problem issues over the Internet are still the same as previous year including virus, speed, and pornography.

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